How Does Attorney Review Filter Work?
Consider This: In today’s market, even strong referrals will search the attorney’s name and make split decisions based on the number of stars or reviews they see online. If there are bad reviews, no reviews, or too few positive reviews associated with you or your firm as compared with your competition, you could be losing business. You could be losing a LOT of business.
Ratings & Reviews Reputation Management Solutions for Lawyers
Putting YOU Back in Control!
- Simple steps to convert happy clients into reviewers on Facebook, Google, Avvo, Yelp, and other popular review websites that are critical for law firm marketing success
- Give unhappy clients an opportunity to vent directly to you through a 3rd party site (
- Reconnect with unhappy clients early on before they submit negative online reviews
- Get a second chance to address your client's issues and make amends, if possible
- Sleep better knowing that you have much more control over your online image and reputation!